Sat 11 Jan
Why date escorts when you get massages from hot massage girls!
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Incall, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Vi)
Election day got you stressed ? If so 4 get about it and come get a relaxing massage with me! - 45
(Lynchburg, lynchburg/29 north)
Fri 10 Jan
InCalls & OutCalls💋Sweet & Sexy💋I'm ready to help you relax💋ready for OutCalls💋 - 28
(InCall in VaBeach OutCall to all city's, Virginia Beach)
Hour Alibi Introduces Neo-Nuru for Him & for Her ** Danville & Surrounding Areas - Out-calls Only - 25
Election day got you stressed ? If so 4 get about it and come get a relaxing massage with me! - 45
(Lynchburg, lynchburg/29 north)
Thu 09 Jan
Hour Alibi Introduces Neo-Nuru for Him & for Her ** Danville & Surrounding Areas - Out-calls Only - 25
👋👋 Come Get A 4 Handed Massage of a Lyfetyme Don't Miss Ur Chance for this Once in a Lyfetyme Deal - 25
Wed 08 Jan
~*( . )( . ) Sexy Hot tie w a body (working out of Altavista) (Available now) - 38
(Lynchburg, Altavistia area)